4 Steps to easily create shapes on the pole.
So we all have been there when we stay in front of the pole and don’t know what to do. Or we look at the pole tricks and think: everything was already created. We can’t do anything new.
Well on one hand it is true, everything new is forgotten old.
But still in any situation we can make tricks or combos different. With our own twist or our own way of doing it and performing it.
So how the hell do we do it? 😁
Here are some of the things I use to get creative:
❤️ FIRST! Try not to block yourself and don’t put yourself in the box of “This trick should look only like this”.
I always tell my students - EXPLORE.
There is so many directions you can turn or bend or twist or move.
Every trick or pose you do - try to see what else can be done there. Can I change the arm grip? Can I grab outside leg instead of inside?
Can I hold leg on the point instead of the calf?
All these small little changes can lead you to a new cute special shapes.
So take some shape you are comfortable with and start moving from there.
❤️ Search for inspo not only in pole but outside pole world too.
Maybe Yoga or ballet, circus, art, any kind of sport or dance. There are so many beautiful shapes that you can take from those areas and try them with or on the pole.
❤️ Try to invert some of the tricks.
Lots of cute shapes are coming from the same trick but being done upright. So try to invert or turn some of the shapes.
When I train I usually take screenshots of shapes I did and I turn them upside down and then go on the pole again and attempt to do them reversed. This is very interesting and can lead to make cool creations. And also a fun way of training.
❤️ Spend time searching for inspo on IG.
So many people sharing beautiful photos in hashtags , you can go and scroll there to get inspo: #poleshape #poletricks #polesit #polesplit #poleart etc 🔥
If you found there something you like - don’t forget to tag people you’ve got inspired from if you are going to post it or tell to your students where you got your inspiration or combo from ❤️❤️❤️❤️