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Failing in competitions? Read my story.

Iā€™ve been talking with my friend recently, she has a Pole Dancing competition soon.  And It reminded me of my experience many years ago.

It was Pole Art 2012 I think.

I remember I wanted to make a routine with lots of static work. I wanted to prove someone (have no idea who - mostly probably myself) that I can do fast tricks and that I can be good on a static pole.

My whole performance was packed with lots of tricks and combos, tumbles, drops. Everything was fast and quick. Change,change, change. No time to breath in.


In the end what happened - I performed that routine, got very low points, was no even close to get a place there, saw it on the video after and realized why. I totally agreed with judges, and I didnā€™t like my routine at all.

People loved it and it got more than one million views on YouTube - but I could not watch it and till this day I havenā€™t watched it again. I really canā€™t. BUT!

I needed that routine in my life to understand that I donā€™t need to prove anyone anything. And that when I perform I should perform in my style. The one I love (of course going out of my comfort zone but to keep the base close to home).

Slow, graceful, with some drops and splits and with tricks that bring me joy.

After Pole Art 2012 competition I had 2 months to prepare for World Pole Cup and I decided to do it my way. I chose Lara Fabian song - Je Suis Malade.

Aaaand I won šŸ˜ 


I think what i want to say with this story is that it is ok to fail.

It is actually good to fail because thats how you grow.

it is important to try different styles, it is important to go our of your comfort zone. It is important to try something new and fail at it. You will learn a lot about yourself this way.

And donā€™t be hard on yourself when you will fail. Think of it as a one more thing that brings you closer to winning <3

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